"...to help you
reach your
-Coach Greg Dorsey
L. GREGORY DORSEY, MPH, NASM CPT, PN1, CHC., is the Founder and CEO of LMD Coaching advancing healthier communities one person at a time. He is a Minister, Writer, Speaker, Fitness Consultant and Wellness Coach. Nationally Certified Health Coach, Personal Trainer, Nutrition, Metabolic and Endurance Coach. A multiple time Ironman Triathlete and Endurance Racing Competitor himself, Greg has coached hundreds of individuals both locally and internationally. With 20 years of ministry his passion is to promote healthier work/life balance to promote all to Live More Daily.

"Greg Dorsey A.K.A. Coach! A local fitness Guru is what I call him. His coaching skills and technique separates him from many. He is a leader within his community helping others stay motivated and inspired to meet their health and wellness goals. My Friend, Brother, Life Coach, Motivator, Fitness Trainer, Businessman, Author and more importantly Man Of God is truly who we need when it comes to accomplishing our health and wellness goals."
-Tammy Harris
CEO and Founder of Soul Grooves Fitness
LIVE! With Micheal and Kelly Top Fitness Instructor
2014 Family Time Women of Achievement Entrepreuer Award
2015 Houston Chronicle Hottest and Fittest Instructor Award
Outstanding Texan Award